BSNL has launched a new 3G Android phone in India called Penta Smart PS501. This handset is the operator's first smartphone, though it has dabbled with tablets previously. Priced at Rs 6,999, the new smartphone is a budget device with Android inside, aiming to make a mark in an overcrowded segment.
Here's a hands-on review of the BSNL Penta Smart PS501 to give you a glimpse of what the device offers:
Penta Smart PS501 reminds us of Samsung Galaxy S2 in terms of design. The thin chrome lining along the sides, metallic Lock/Power key on the right and Volume Rocker on the left make it hard to miss the resemblance between the two handsets. Below the screen is combo of Options, Home and Back haptic keys. Overall, the design looks a little dated.
The build quality of the phone is very good, though it is a little bulkier than we would have liked. It feels sturdy and good in the hand, even better than the Micromax Canvas HD (which costs at least Rs 5,500 more). The body is made of glossy plastic, which makes the handset a little slippery when help loosely.
The display of BSNL Penta Smart PS501 measures 5-inch, with 854x480p resolution. Though the screen size and resolution amount to a meagre pixel density of 196ppi, the colour saturation of the phone is very good, giving you quite a crisp display. The colours are vibrant and brightness level is above par. Overall, we are quite impressed with the screen quality of the phone, ranking it ahead of the Micromax Canvas Viva and Videocon A42.
Penta Smart PS501 runs on stock Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) operating system, sans customization. However, you get a few preloaded apps like Flipboard, WhatsApp, Opera browser, Backup and Restore and Mobile Security, among others.
On the performance front, Penta Smart PS501 is a bit off the mark. Instead of a smooth experience, we get a slightly slow response. When we started the device, we noticed a slight delay when we pushed the right button and when it actually unlocked. This issue remained in the course of this hands-on experience. Nevertheless, apps opened without problems, though there was a little lag when we downloaded around 40 apps.
Camera performance of Penta Smart PS501 is below par. Though the phone comes with touch focus feature, the end result is slightly blurry images. The colours are good but there is not enough detail and indoor images are marred by a lot of noise.
The phone is powered by a 1,800mAh battery, but we will have to wait for a full review to see how long it lasts on a single charge.
Overall, BSNL Penta Smart PS501 seems like a decent handset, adding to the already burgeoning budget smartphone market. It does not have much to distinguish itself from the wide range of low-end Android phones in the market today, though the screen quality and sturdiness give it a slight edge. Wait for our full review to see whether this handset is worth buying or not...
Source : TOI
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